General Provisions for Coaching/Counseling

  1. Session Duration
    Client sessions have a duration of 60 minutes.
  2. Payment
    The client pays the counselor a fee per session. This amount is agreed upon in advance between the counselor and the client and is to be paid either immediately or within 14 days of the invoice date.
  3. Cancellations
    If unable to attend, the client must cancel the scheduled session at least 24 hours in advance. If the client fails to cancel on time, the counselor will charge the full cost of the missed session.
  4. Rescheduling by the Counselor
    The counselor may reschedule a session in a timely manner due to her irregular profession. If rescheduling occurs within 24 hours prior to the session, the next session will be free of charge. If the counselor has to reschedule two consecutive sessions, the following session will also be free of charge.
  5. Professional Standards
    The counselor adheres to the provisions of the Dutch Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO) and the ethical and professional codes relevant to her profession.
  6. Liability
    The counselor is not liable for any adverse consequences arising from the client providing inaccurate or incomplete information, or for failing to disclose available medical information from medical records held by doctors, specialists, or other practitioners.
  7. Client Responsibility
    • The client acknowledges that they contribute to the counselor’s learning process. Participation in consultations, sessions, or therapy is at the client’s own risk.
    • The client is responsible for safeguarding their own psychological and physical boundaries.
    • In the event of physical or psychological problems, the client will be referred to their general practitioner, treating physician, or a qualified and specialized therapist.
  8. Termination of Agreement
    The agreement can be terminated in the following ways:

    a. The client indicates that the agreed-upon number of sessions is complete and they wish to end the counseling/coaching.
    b. The client expresses their desire to terminate the counseling/coaching.
    c. The client sends the counselor a letter or email stating their intention to terminate the agreement and the effective date.
    d. The counselor sends the client a letter indicating the termination of the agreement. The counselor may do so if:

    • The client repeatedly does not respond to written or telephone contact attempts.
    • The client states they do not wish to adhere to the jointly created treatment plan.
    • The client repeatedly violates the general provisions of this agreement or agreements made during sessions.
    • The counselor determines that due to the client’s issues or the counselor’s competencies, they are not qualified to assist the client. This is particularly the case if the client’s issues are directly linked to contraindications.